
Archive for December 1, 2009

To Tweet Or To Blog….

December 1, 2009 Leave a comment

I just split the difference by emailing this blog post.//
I have a whole bunch of random thoughts right now, but I don’t think any of them are good enough (or ready) to post up, but they’re definitely more than 140 characters….//
I having a real surreal moment right now. Shoot, it could be deja vu, I do take the same train home everyday.//
If I were in a sitcom right now and the people around me were my supporting cast on the train, what would their character names be?: Gruffy Dominican dude I went to Gompers high school with, but too dirty for me to acknowledge; bad toupe; fat kid longing for a twinkie; Loosy Goose and her bff Big Bird; LadyMan and Breathmint Needed.//
In a space I two people, why did this little rotund pizza face fucktard still manage to graze me? People under 17 give me the heebie jeebies.//

What I Did Last Friday

December 1, 2009 Leave a comment

*play the music from this post while you read* These are really cool pictures taken by @Fariyal85/Fari B. last Friday when we were at Pacha for David Guetta. Do you know this girl actually called me for us to get ready at 8-ish because “it said the show starts at 9:00pm” (Yes I did laugh out loud at that time.) New Yorkers, DJs and club owners take “fashionably late” to new heights-and plus, there were opening acts: who does that… So we get there around 12:20 or so, just in time to wait at the Advanced Tickets line for another 45 minutes, 50 yard from the Hudson River as we watched Swampistanian (and other Bridge and Tunnel) girls in hookerwear. (I’m telling you, nipples don’t freeze on club nights.)

There was some DJ on deck when we go inside, BUT IT WASN’T GUETTA. I was not enthused. The club was packed, but not ‘Japanese subway‘ crowded yet. The above pictures all have people with their hands raised, the lower left one looks like “Devotion” to me. The upper right picture with the chick with the cigarette and cup in her hand, underneath the disco balls, tell the entire story. As soon as Guetta walked in from VIP, it was a bum rush, or a “sway rush”, rather. The thing I notice was how happy David was to be there, he was smiling almost the whole time, amping himself up. He had a good time, so we had a good time. Read more…

Time Square.11.27.09

December 1, 2009 Leave a comment

It is incredibly rare it is to see Time Square completely empty, honestly, I kind of looks different to me right here. When the place is so crowded, you can’t fully appreciated how incredible the buildings are and how small you feel when you’re in the middle of the street. This was the first time I felt the “canyon effect” from being here. This must be how tourists feel when they visit.  NOTE: These pictures were take at 3:37am.

By the way, that McDonald’s is open, but there are halal carts on 44th and 11th, 9th, 8th, 7th and two on 6th and they’lre all out til the wee hours of the morning on Friday and Saturday nights. My dude Mustafa knows the best way to soak up the alcohol from the club is with a lamb/falafel gyro, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, easy on the white sauce o.d. on the hot sauce. (I truly woke up after that sandwich.)

By the way, the guy’s name really was Mustafa, that wasn’t an adlib.

Throwback Song Of The Week “Mona Lisa” – Slick Rick

December 1, 2009 1 comment

I looked high and low for a video for Mona Lisa with no success. Apparently Slick Rick the Ruler was too busy ordering around his minions and managing his bling game. Youtube has the song with a still image of dude’s face, which I would have put up, but none of them have the hilarious intro at the beginning. In my opinion, that sets the tone.

MONA LISA – Slick Rick

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